Oncology Clinical Trials

Oncology clinical trials in Oklahoma, OK seeks breakthroughs in cancer treatment

Clinical Research in Oncology

Cancer remains a major health challenge, but here in Oklahoma, clinical trials for cancer, there is hope rising. Hightower Clinical is conducting innovative clinical trials in oncology to explore various cancer treatment options. Explore our cancer clinical trials.

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) includes different subtypes such as adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma. It’s called “non-small cell” because the cancer cells are larger than small cell lung cancer cells when viewed under a microscope.

NSCLC is common and can spread to other parts of the body. It remains a significant threat, despite progress in treatments.

Efforts to improve early detection methods and lung cancer treatment outcomes are ongoing. The Hightower clinical trial is one initiative exploring new approaches to tackle NSCLC. We are evaluating new drugs and immunotherapy techniques to enhance treatment effectiveness. Furthermore, our oncology clinical trials extend to investigating new biomarkers aimed at streamlining cancer screening processes.

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18 Years and Older


Male & Female


Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Current Status




Multiomics Blood Test for Cancer Screening

Multiomics blood tests for cancer screening represent a cutting-edge approach in early detection and prevention. By analyzing various biological markers in the blood, such as DNA, RNA, proteins, and metabolites, these tests offer a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s cancer risk.

Hightower leads the way in leveraging advanced multiomics methodologies to pioneer blood-based screening for multiple cancers. By detecting cancers at their earliest stages, we aim to revolutionize cancer screening and treatment, ultimately improving patient outcomes and reducing mortality rates associated with the disease.

With our commitment to innovation, Hightower Clinical aims to reshape the landscape of cancer screening and treatment options, ushering in a new era of effective screening strategies.

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30 Years and Older


Male & Female



Current Status




Malignant Tumors

A malignant tumor is an abnormal growth of cells that can invade surrounding tissues and spread to other body parts. Unlike benign tumors, which are non-cancerous and typically do not spread, malignant tumors are cancerous and pose a significant health risk.

Malignant tumors can arise in various organs and tissues throughout the body. They are characterized by uncontrolled cell growth and the ability to metastasize or spread to distant sites.

In Hightower’s oncology clinical trials, determining the biomarker status of a participant’s tumor tissue is crucial to our research. By analyzing biomarkers present in the tumor, we gain valuable insights into cancer treatments.

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18 Years and Older


Male & Female


Malignant Tumor

Current Status




Metastatic Breast Cancer/ Advanced Metastatic Breast Cancer

Metastatic Breast Cancer, also known as stage IV breast cancer, occurs when cancer cells spread beyond the breast and nearby lymph nodes to other parts of the body. It is considered an advanced stage of breast cancer and can present significant challenges in treatment and management.

Common symptoms of metastatic breast cancer include persistent pain in bones or chest, unexplained weight loss, cough or difficulty breathing, jaundice, headaches, seizures, and swelling of lymph nodes. Regular medical check-ups are vital for early detection and management.

Hightower is researching the efficacy of novel drugs for individuals facing metastatic breast cancer. Our team of experts collaborates closely to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients battling this formidable disease.

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18 Years and Older


Male & Female


Metastatic Breast Cancer

Current Status




Advanced Precision Observational Lung Living Outcomes (APOLLO) - Lung Cancer

The Advanced Precision Observational Lung Living Outcomes (APOLLO) study focuses on advancing precision medicine in lung cancer research. This groundbreaking initiative aims to gather comprehensive data on lung cancer patient’s molecular and clinical characteristics to optimize treatment outcomes.

Hightower’s approach prioritizes the inclusion of smokers in the study population, recognizing the significant impact of smoking on lung cancer development and progression. By analyzing a diverse range of patient profiles, including smokers, the study seeks to uncover novel insights into lung cancer biology. The study aims to offer personalized treatment strategies for individuals suffering from lung cancer.

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≥ 50 to 80 years older


Male & Female


Lung Cancer

Current Status




Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, affects the colon or rectum, and typically develops from precancerous polyps. According to statistics, colorectal cancer ranks as the third most diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally.

Recognizing the importance of early detection and intervention, Hightower conducts oncology clinical trials focused on colorectal cancer screening.

This study’s main objective is to evaluate the impact of a theoretically grounded video that includes information about CRC screening modality choices on CRC screening rates and time adherent to CRC guidelines.

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45 Years to 70 Years


Male & Female


Colorectal Cancer

Current Status


