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Active Psoriatic Arthritis Clinical Trials in Oklahoma City, OK

Active Psoriatic arthritis clinical trials, where your involvement will contribute to better health outcomes.

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Experiencing Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms?

Consider participating in a clinical research study on psoriatic arthritis.

Most people with active psoriatic arthritis have psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune skin condition. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an inflammatory arthritis that affects some individuals with psoriasis. While not everyone with psoriasis develops psoriatic arthritis, it’s estimated that up to 30% of people with psoriasis may eventually develop this condition.

We’re conducting active psoriatic arthritis clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy and safety of an investigational drug versus a placebo.

*Participation in the Clinical Trial is completely free of cost and is your choice.

*To participate, fill out the form, and someone from our research staff will call you to determine your eligibility for the Clinical Research Study.

About Active Psoriatic Arthritis Clinical Trials

After agreeing to participate in the study, you’ll be requested to sign an Informed Consent Form, which outlines all study details. The study team will also guide you through the trial process and your role within it. We strongly encourage participants to ask any questions they may have before committing to participation. Ultimately, the decision to join or withdraw from the trial rests entirely with you.

Once the consent form is signed and all queries are addressed, participants are randomly assigned to one of two groups in the psoriatic arthritis study:

Control group: Receives a placebo medication lacking the active ingredient.

Experimental group: Receives the actual study drug containing active ingredients.

As the research follows a double-blind design, neither the researcher nor the participant knows which treatment or intervention they’re receiving.

*All study procedures and study-related treatment, including the investigational drug, are free of cost, and insurance is not required to participate.

*The study doctor will take you through every step of the Clinical Trial before you decide to participate and will answer any questions you have about the study treatment.

Psoriatic Arthritis Research: What to Expect?

If you have psoriatic arthritis and are interested in participating in a research study, please complete the above form. A research team member will contact you to discuss your potential eligibility for the study. If you are deemed eligible, you may be invited to visit the nearest research site for further screening.

You’ll be asked to review and sign an Informed Consent Form as part of the screening process. Before signing, the study doctor will provide a comprehensive explanation of the study, including details about the psoriasis treatment being investigated, potential risks and benefits, and expectations for study visits. We encourage all participants to ask questions and ensure they fully understand the information provided before signing the form.

*Study-related care is offered at no charge. Expert physicians and healthcare professionals conduct thorough physical exams and assessments.*


18 years and older adults


Male & Female


Psoriatic Arthritis

Current Status


What happens in psoriatic arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory arthritis that affects people with psoriasis, a skin condition characterized by red, scaly patches. While psoriasis itself isn’t contagious, PsA can significantly impact joints and overall well-being.


  • Joint damage: Untreated or poorly managed PsA can lead to progressive joint damage, erosion, and deformity.
  • Reduced mobility: Joint pain and stiffness can significantly impact your ability to perform daily activities and limit your mobility.
  • Increased risk of heart disease: Inflammation associated with PsA might contribute to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Eye problems: PsA can sometimes affect the eyes, leading to conjunctivitis (pink eye) or uveitis (inflammation of the inner eye layer).


  • Joint pain, stiffness, and swelling: PsA can affect any joint but commonly targets the small joints in the hands and feet, although larger joints like the knees, hips, and spine can also be involved. Pain and stiffness are often worse in the mornings and after periods of inactivity.
  • Skin changes: As with psoriasis, you might experience the characteristic red, scaly patches on your skin, often near the affected joints.
  • Nail changes: PsA can cause pitting, discoloration, and separation of the nails from the nail bed.
  • Fatigue: Chronic inflammation associated with PsA can lead to fatigue and tiredness.
  • Morning stiffness: Difficulty moving or feeling stiff upon waking up is a common symptom.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen during active psoriatic arthritis clinical trial?

The specifics will vary, but generally, you will undergo initial screening to assess eligibility, followed by regular clinic visits throughout the trial duration. These visits may involve examinations, tests, and receiving the study intervention.

What are the risks and benefits of participating?

Every clinical trial has potential risks and benefits. You will be provided with detailed information about the study you’re considering, including potential side effects and benefits.

Am I eligible to participate in an active psoriatic arthritis clinical trial?

Eligibility criteria vary depending on the specific trial. Factors like age, severity of PsA, current medications, and overall health may be considered.